Leading the World’s Sustainable Cloud Mining Operations
Transforming 100 GW of Clean Energy into Security.
Cloud Mining Provider Powered by 100% Renewable Energy.
We work with renewable energy providers across to the globe to Structure financing options, equipment purchases and ongoing operations

Maximize Underutilized Energy With our Proprietary Bitcoin Mining Algorithm
Solving the World’s Energy Problems one provider at a time.
We provide superior mining equipments by partnering with world-leading renewable asset owners
Our intelligent allocation system power mining machines by getting to the closest renewable energy sources globally
LiveTradr has built a trusted network of partners ranging from financing, procurement and installations to coin hedging and trading.
Bitcoin vs Gold
Bitcoin purchasing power has increased significantly over the years. Since 2011, for example, the price of bitcoin has compounded at an annual rate of roughly 200% and, despite significant intra-year moves, it has appreciated on a year-over-year basis every year since 2014
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Download the Singular App to earn your First Bitcoin.